What is a Zombie?/Does Zombie exist?


We all heard the name Zombie at list one time. Basically, it is a fictional character which is shown in Hollywood movies. But ever you thought, that if the zombies really exist. Yes, it exists in reality. it's not only a fictional character.

What is a Zombie?:
A zombie is a fictional undead being created through the reanimation of a human corpse.
The word zombie is taken from an African word NZAMBI.

Where I can find zombies:
You don't know that you can find a zombie at present. A Carabian country called HAITI where you see the real zombies.Because it is not a developing country. So, here people believe in black magic and many thinks. Here live some magicians who do black-magic and do many dangerous experiments on human bodies. They first feed a man powerful drugs and send them to Coma. Then the family member of the man thinks that the man was dead and grave him. Then they take the body from the grave and then they again awake him do many experiments on him using much poisonous medicine. By doing this type of experiments they make zombies and they do many works for themselves by the zombies like cultivation and many other things. It's like a disorder because when a man becomes a zombie he was sawing and understanding everything but can't control his mind and heart.
Proof of the zombie existing:
The world knows the proof of existing the zombies when a man named NARCISSE came back from zombie disorder. Her sister finds him and take to his home and do the medical check-up of him. Then he slowly recognizes everything and told them everything that he saw. He also told that here are hundreds of zombies who were work for those magicians. He also told that here are hundreds of zombies who were work for those magicians.


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