My journey experience / journey to my village

It was January 27, 2017. Middle of the Winter season. I went to my village with my parents and my big brother. We had made our journey by bus. The journey is always a pleasure for me. We reached the bus stand at 8 am. We and some other people were also waiting for a bus. After 10 minutes a bus came and we entered the bus. When I entered the bus, I saw many kinds of people are sitting. Some of them are workers, students, and some local people. I saw an old woman did not find a sit. A student stands and gave her his sit. The bus slowly gets its speed. I was sitting beside a window seat. I was very excited to see the beautiful winter morning scene. After 2 hours we got down and reached our destination. We have a big pound in our village. There were so many fishes in that pound. Our main reason for going there was to catch fishes from that pound. My father haired a man who could make the pound empty. He used a type of machine so that he could do so. However, I was enjoying by my way. I have a habit of running after hens and her babies. I catch little chickens and look them closely. After that I let them go. Before lunch, I was swimming in a pool with other boys. My village is very beautiful. The whole village is green. All the houses in the village are surrounded by big green trees. In the afternoon I went to the playground to play. We were playing football. After the match, I enjoyed the sunset. The next day, who was haired for the work, he said that his machine is not working and it will take some time to prepare it. My aunt made many types of pitha for breakfast. That pitha were so tasty and delicious. After having breakfast, one of my cousin who lives in the village brought his pet to show me. It was a colorful bird. I played the whole day with it. When the machine was repaired it was started to make the pound empty. At night I saw the pound was almost empty and my father said that the next morning we can catch fishes. I was very excited. I woke up very early in the morning. The sun did not rise then. The morning was so cold. The fog was so dense that things at a little distance can hardly be seen. A cold breeze was blowing. Dew drops fall on leaves at night and they looked like glittering pearls when the rays of the morning sun fall on them. After the sunrise, I started to catch fishes with my father, brother and my cousins. We caught a lot of fishes like the snakehead, many types of catfish etc. The pound was so deep with muddy that I was just unable to move. However, when I get out of the pound I saw that there was muddy all over my body. My whole body was shivering then. For that, I had to bath in that cold weather. The water was also cold. When we got all the fishes, we then came to our home. We stayed there for 3 days. I eat a lot of fish. It was one of my most enjoyable staying there. I just enjoyed all the time.


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