Hello friends, Welcome to are you all? Hope you are well. Today I am going to talk about Patriotism. Do you know what mean by the word Patriotism? If you don't then read it, I hope it will helpful for you. Here I also give you some examples.

Patriotism means loving one's own country. Patriotism is a noble virtue. It is inherent quality of a man. He is very honest because he knows how to love a country. It creates in man a unique love for his motherland, the land of his birth. Patriotism is older than civilization. He loves his country very much. He is obedient to his country. He is always ready to die for his country. Even the ancient tribes had great love for the land where they lived and sacrificed their lives to defend it. There can not be any man who does not love his
country more than his life.
But now there are less people who loves his country very much because they know the value of a country. But there are much people who does not love his country. Because the just run after money. For this cause, he uses his country by anyway. Patriotism inspire a man to do everything for the well-being and betterment of the country. It is the quality that inspires a man to sacrifice his own interest, comfort,pleasure and even  his life for the sake of his country. Patriotic feeling makes a man dutiful, and energetic. A patriot is   n't dishonoured. He is honored by his countrymen. The poets compose poems in honor of the Patriots. The country always remembers the Patriots. The live in minds of the countrymen even after their death. An unpatriotic man, on the other hand, is an ignoble person. He is disobedient to his country and he makes a various kinds of tapes for destroy our country. He is self-centered. He causes harm to the county by his reckless activities. He is an enemy to the country. He just love his desire and do that. He does not love his country. He just love the valuable things of our country. He works for own desire. He may have high titles, immense wealth, high social prestige and noble birth. But despite all these things, he remains a worthless person. Such a man dies a double death. During his lifetime, he remains completely forgotten by the people. Nobody remembers him or shows any honour to him when he dies. This nation showed the great  patriotism in 1971. We achieved our independence through a bloody struggle. The freedom fighters were the true patriots. They did  not love the valuable things of this country. They love this countries air sold and water. They fought against the Pakistanis occupation force. 30lakhs people were died in the liberation war. Today we should remember the martyrs with great respect. Patriotism does not mean only fighting for the county. The patriots works round the year for the country. They work for the family, for the society and for the nation. When any kinds of-of the natural disaster occur, the patriotic people try their best to help the countrymen. During flood, cyclone,or any other kind of  natural disaster,they stand by the affected people. They collect money for their help. They help the affected people by many ways and they try with  best to help the affected people. They distribute relief goods, medicine,clothes, drinking among the distressed people. The unpatriotic does not help the affected people. But the true patriots help the affected people by money and other things. They do not expect any reward in exchange of their work. They works selflessly, honesty and sincerely for the welfare of the country.  Some of the unpatriotic help the affected people by cause of money. They work self fully, dishonesty for destroy the country.
The development of a country depends on the patriotism of her citizens. Indeed patriotism makes a man immortal in his country. We should have patriotism in our word and work. Because we will die but our good work shall not die.  Our  Patriotism will preach us in the country.


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